Thursday, May 29, 2008


Well it's been a few days since I've updated the blog so figured it was time to do so. Since Friday we've been to visit Grandma in NC (Fri-Sun), Sunday we went to the pool for a few hours, and Monday, Memorial Day we hung out at the pool after lil Phil and I went to see Narnia then ate shish-kabobs that night for dinner..YUMMY! Tuesday it was back to the grind (work-wise) and the boys are hanging out with me for the summer...yea, their last day of school was this past Friday.
Yesterday after work we ran a few errands b/c I am making hats for Michelle and I for the concert that is exactly 1 WEEK FROM TODAY, WOOHOO! I'll take pictures of them once I'm done. Right now I've added the lei flowers around the edges and I still need to paint a fin, a palm tree, and maybe a hibiscus flower...I also want to add some wording like "we are the people" or "year of still here" (that's the name of the tour)...suggestions are welcome!
Think that's about it for now. We have our "date night" on Saturday and are trying to get a few couples together to have some adult time but not sure it's going to work out. That's the problem with planning at the last minute! :-) If it doesn't work out we'll just be drinking alone, no harm in that, right!?
Ciao for now!

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