Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Lacrosse Tournament

PHEW, What a weekend! Jeff had his big end of season lacrosse tournament at Stone Mountain this past weekend so Friday after work was spent grocery shopping and buying a new canopy tent. We left the house at 7AM on Saturday morning for a 9AM game (had to be there by 8:30). After the 9AM he played a 1pm (U-9) and a 5pm game as well. Jeff had an assist in the 5pm game and it was really neck in neck but b/c of poor ref'ing (they actually argued w/each other for over 2 minutes on the field and didn't stop the clock!) we lost by 1 point...SO aggrevating! The weather was gorgeous but I now look like a raccoon again b/c I wore my sunglasses all weekend!

Sunday was even hotter but thankfully we only had 1 game...we were loosing 6-1 at the half and yes, Jeff scored that 1 goal! We came back in the second half but still came up short, losing the game 7-4...BUT, great news! Jeff ended up with a hat trick that game! Yes, he scored 3 of the 4 goals! WOOHOO...he's awesome and he's come SO far this season...yes...I'm a proud mama!
So after the game we came home and took the boys to the pool with Michelle, Chad, Drew, and Ben (Jeff's friend)....it was freezing! The wind had really picked up and it was COLD! We decided after an hour or so that we'd had enough, went home, then out to dinner at Chepes (mexican) with the other family...YUMMY...the end LOL...here's some pictures from the tournament:
Ben is in the red shoes!
Look at how big those guys are compared to Jeff (#13!)

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