Sunday, April 27, 2008

recap of the games

Yesterday Jeff ended up playing in 2 games...the U-9 game at 1pm and the U-11 game at 2:45...It was a HOT one - weather wise. Thank goodness lil Phil and I put on our sunscreen..the whole team was a bit flat during the U-9 game but I think it was because of all the equipment and the heat. Jeff stayed in most of the whole 1st half and I told him that if he needed to come out he needed to tell the coach! He immediately raised his stick to get out with about 30 seconds left in the half (better late than never!) I know, I know...the first game I was complaining about how he didn't play enough and now I'm telling him to get off the field! Seriously though, he took his helmet off and his face was beet red and his hair (yes, as long as it is Uncle Robby) was soaked from sweat.

So after the game we immediately jumped in the car and headed to the next..following Coach the entire way. The U-11 game was so drastically can see what a few years of playing can do for a much more structured, spread out, etc. The U-9 game was like watching the first year of soccer where all the little ones follow the ball around the field like a swarm of bees. Unfortunately, if you compare these games to last week's scrimmages, these guys were flat yesterday. I hope they shake that off and get back to wanting the ball next weekend!

I've been trying, unsuccessfully, for the past hour to download some of each of the games but this may just be above my technical skills :-)...I'll have hubby work on it when he wakes up!

chao for now!

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