Thursday, June 14, 2012

summer summer summer tiiiimme (Will Smith)

The boys have been out of school for three weeks now and you can tell they're loving it.  Staying up late, sleeping in late (sometimes till after 12pm) and doing absolutely nothing.  Jeff and I were going to the pool today but there was a neighbor there that we don't particularly care for so we're going to wait another hour and go back.  Love that my lunch hour consists of pool time.  AHHH, the life.  :-)

We're heading to North Myrtle Beach soon and I can't wait!  We've been planning this trip for a year, literally!  Phil has invited his best friend James and Jeffrey is bringing Stephen along again.  I think I've used all but one of my recycle-able grocery bags for food and I hope I've bought enough food for 4 teenage boys. I think I'll do one (maybe 2) more coupon shopping trips and then we'll do the milk, eggs, bread, meat, fruit, etc. purchases when we get there.  We've decided to go backwater charter fishing instead of deep sea.  Phil didn't think I could handle it.  Kinda bummed but probably best for all involved.  We're also taking the boys to see the Pirate show (similar to Medieval Times).  Besides that we don't have much planned.  Well, Phil and I will visit a local brewery and wine vineyard. We'll probably do some miniature golf and go down to the touristy party of Myrtle Beach where the arcades, rides, etc. are.  We'll go out to eat a couple times but spend most of the time on the beach.  My mind is already on vacation LOL

Update on the boys - Jeff had another tournament this past weekend and they came in 4th (out of 12 teams) in their division.  Not too bad.  Phil is working at a Defense lacrosse camp this week.  Basically, he's the guy the defenders are beating up on as they learn new techniques.  He's definitely got the bruises to prove it already.  No biggie though, he did it last year and survived...oh, and he's making money!  :-)

Mom and Dad are officially out of MD and "down south"...they closed on the MD house on Wednesday and they close on the new house on Friday!  WOOHOO

Think that's about it for this week.

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