Sunday, July 20, 2008

More of Captain (&) Morgan

I could go about this post in two ways but I'll start with the fun and go to the funNY...Michelle and the boys are finally back from Florida (came back on Thursday) so of course they all came over on Friday night to hang out (after my homeowners meeting which went very well by the way). I tell you what, I really think we're 30 something's trying to believe we're still in our young 20's...we were up until way after 2AM on the back porch. I was hurting all day yesterday..not headache, just tired! I actually even took a nap and we cancelled our date night too! Michelle and I both agree there's not going to be any more of those (at least not in the near future!).
So here's the funny portion of the post...check out these pictures!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They remind me of all my guys. They think they are people. Great pics.

Love you guys,
