Monday, August 3, 2009

a whole month flew by

WOW, I cannot believe it has been an entire month since I have blogged. So much has happened! Let's see:

1) July 2nd-5th - Charlotte Lacrosse Tournament
2) July 5th-7th - Arapahoe, NC. During our trip to Charlotte we received word that my 94 year old grandmother (Mama Lee) had passed away.
3) Daddy got a promotion and has spent July 20th-today (so far) traveling back and forth to San Francisco. He leaves on Mondays and comes home Friday nights. Needless to say, it's been a lot quieter around the house! hahahaha, JUST KIDDING
4) July 11th, July 22nd, and July 31st we had in person lax registrations. We're near 100 boys so far and I believe 38 girls. We are having mail in registrations until this Friday and then I'm DONE!
5) Procida family reunion - what a fun time but SUCH a looooooooooong drive. If we go next year we're FLYING! Thanks to Nancy and Tim for hosting the four of us during our stay in NJ. Below are pictures of the event.
6) July 29th-31st - Lacrosse camp sponsored by WFY Lacrosse. Our first annual Stix 4 Schools! 100% of the proceeds are going to purchase lacrosse sticks for area elementary schools. We are looking at around 125 sticks. SO AWESOME!
7) and today is August 3rd, our 13th wedding anniversary. He was joking last night that technically it's only our 9th or 10th but hey, no one ever signed the papers, right!?
So today, on the anniversary of our 13th year he will be in CA and I will be taking the boys to the mall to get ready for school (NEXT MONDAY). This after they make dinner...yes, THEY are making dinner. Lil Phil has decided on cheese stuffed cheeseburgers with homemade french fries. Wish us luck!

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