Saturday, September 6, 2008


The boys have started fall lacrosse with an organization I helped form closer to our home (West Forsyth Young Lacrosse Association). It's intended to be a feeder program for the high school once it gets up and running and we had a fantastic turnout for our first season. Some of you know that lacrosse is actually a spring sport so the fact that we've got U-11, 2 U-13, and 1 U-15 teams in the fall (competing with football) is fantastic! We've also already signed up close to 30 players for spring (and apparently have 40+ more football players interested) and our games for fall haven't even begun! Can you tell I'm excited!? Here are a few pictures from last Sunday. We had a Labor Day cookout at the field and parent/player scrimmages (by age group). Everyone had a blast! Go Wolverines!

Phil and Jeff suiting up!

Phil taking shots (blue helmet)

Jeff and a few of his U-11 buds

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your lacrosse group! Have you ever considered connecting with US Lacrosse as an organization?
